Category Archives: Why Dreamstepping?
Why I Love Dreamstepping 8/365
I’m encouraged to take my heart seriously. I’ve got girls, two of them and what I want for them, more than anything, is that they are happy. You’re a parent, you know what I mean. And what I know for … Continue reading
Why I Love Dreamstepping 6/365
I love having a regular reminder to reflect. It’s easy to slip into a semi-conscious state in your life. Easy to let days, weeks and months slip by in relative sameness. A remindr to reflect, to mine the learning from … Continue reading
Why I Love Dreamstepping 5/365
Enjoying is 1/6th of the process. Just Enjoying. Not doing, not planning, not even dreaming. Just enjoying. That’s means if you’re awake for 16 hours of the day you can spend a little over 2 and a half hours doing … Continue reading
Why I Love Dreamstepping 4/365
There’s ALWAYS another dream. Believe it. Allow it.
Why I Love Dreamstepping 3/365
When you get into the ever widening upward spiral of Dreamstepping serendipity kicks in. Events and opportunities you could not dream up in a thousand years find their way to you and you step into delicious flow.
Why I love Dreamstepping: 1/365
Dream, Voice, Plan, Act, Enjoy, Reflect… Reason one of 365 soon to be enumerated reasons why I like Dreamstepping: Doing is only 1/6th of the process!
What Does Success Take?
The great thing about loving what you do is that you’re never working. As proof of that I submit exhibit A my Christmas present… This year my mother bought me a book, always a traditional Christmas gift at our house, … Continue reading