Category Archives: Reflect
Creativity Requires a Vacuum.
I’m just coming off of an amazing summer. I built a home, with help from about 160 (mostly women) volunteers, with Habitat for Humanity. You can see it here and donate to the worthy cause here. It was an incredible … Continue reading
Posted in Dream, Reflect
Tagged creativity, dreaming, non-doing
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Why I love Dreamstepping 7/365
Whenever I get stuck I can pin point it to one of the six transitions and I know exactly how to get out of the rut. Today was one of those non stop doing days, I found myself after the … Continue reading
Why I love Dreamstepping: 2/365
The Transition from Reflection to Dreaming We do reflection naturally at the ending of things. Case in point; New Years resolutions! How many of you dreamed new dreams at the start of the new year? It can really get the … Continue reading